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Sanmin Park

physical fitness facilities

swimming pool

morning physical exercise

Sanmin Park in the Songshan District is located in Minsheng Community around heavily populated area, between Sanmin Rd. and Fuyuan St. Said theme park is one of the most popular parks in the city. The park was established in 1973, and covers an area of 26,820 square meters divided into three sections by Sanmin Rd., Xindong St. and Fuyuan St.
One of the sections between Sanmin Rd. and Xindong St. includes a bright new children's playground, skating rink, jungle gyms, pavilions, badminton courts and workout trails. When the Chinese redbud trees, chrysanthemums and other plants and flowers are in bloom, the park is even more attractive and alive.

The section between Xindong St. and Fuyuan St. is further divided into two smaller sections: the first section closer to Xindong St. is filled with wood trees, a pavilion and scenic rock landscapes. The east side from Fuyuan St. to Tifang St. that shapes like an arc includes more or less the same things as the western side. Therein are a multi-purpose plaza and children's playground surrounded by tall shade trees, as well as a health trail and skating rink.

Location:Songshan District, intersection Sanmin Rd. & Fuyuan St.
Transportation:public utility bus(pub)0 East, 12, 49, 225, 262, 278, 286, 307, 505, 604, 613, 629, Blue 10 etc.
Administering Dept.:Yuanshan Park Administration service line:2598-3024