Nangang Park
Nangang Park is situated around the corner of Dongxin Street and Chengfu Rd. Inside said park the view in the east "Four Animals" Mountain can be seen in the east of the park. In the park, there are two large ponds that once were an important source of water for local residents of Nangang in former days, and they remain an important location for flood-prevention today. The ponds also contain many plants, fish, animals and birds, such as white egrets, yellow egrets and others, which make the park perfect bionomic environment. In another pond there is a tree-covered small hill rising out of the centerof the pond. The herein mentioned park is the largest park in the Nangang District in which 15.6 hectares had been renovated in 1988 with a Chinese-style atmosphere. Location:Nangang District, #170 Dongxin St.
Transportation:public utility bus(pub)32, 279, Zhongxiao and Xinyi Trunk Lines
Administering Dept.:Nangang Park Administration service line:2785-3819